The inspiration for the Lift Breathe Mattress
Waking up on account of how hot or cold you’re feeling is a problem perhaps most pertinent with women experiencing menopause. In light of this, Silentnight were keen to create a mattress designed to regulate temperature and control moisture. The Lift Breathe Mattress has been scientifically proven to reduce cortisol levels and morning stress brought on by menopause. The inspiration for the Lift Breathe Mattress came as a result of comprehensive research into menopause that concluded that, on average, 2 hours and 36 minutes of sleep were lost every night for people experiencing menopause. Conversely, courtesy of the Lift Breathe Mattress, night sweats and experiences of feeling too hot during the night were reduced by 24%. Silentnight concluded that participants who trialed the Lift Breathe Mattress found that sleep time, quality, and efficiency improved.