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What is a high footend?

There are two variations of a bed frame, one with a high footend and the other with a low footend. A high footend can be considered a headboard by your feet, showcasing more of a symmetrical style. However, if you have a tall stature, you may find a bed with a high footend limits the length of your bed and may not be appropriate for you.

What types of high footend beds are there?

There are many types of high footend beds. Please continue to read below to find out.

A wooden high footend bed frame

Our collection of wooden high footend beds showcases versatile styles in colour schemes and headboard designs. For example, you can choose from a range of natural solid wood tones, including oak, pine, beech, rubberwood and many more. Their headboard designs vary widely, incorporating classic shaker styles or contemporary structures. Often, these are mirrored in the look of the footboard, creating an integrated layout.

A fabric high footend bed frame

Similarly, our fabric bed range features stunning headboards mirrored into the footend's design. There's an assortment of colours and material choices, meaning you can select the bed frame that matches the aesthetic of your bedroom.

A metal high footend bed frame

Metal bed frames are often associated with a high footend due to the finials you typically find on each bedpost. However, that's not to say our range doesn't go beyond this, showcasing a mixture of contemporary designs.

An ottoman high footend bed frame

Does the high end footend fit in with your aesthetic? Why not choose one that provides an ample amount of storage too? Our ottomans include gas piston systems designed to hold mattresses in the air, exposing space underneath the bed that can be used as storage. Storage can be accessed either by the footboard or the side, which expands the number of storage solutions you have in your home and the room you decide to place it in.

A TV bed frame

At Mattressman, we stock several TV beds. In the footend of the bed frame, a TV is stored and is revealed using controls. Every TV bed needs a footend to hold the TV itself. When not used, it can descend back into the footboard with elegance.

What are the sizes of high footend beds available?

We stock lots of sizes available for our high footend bed frames, including single (90 x 190cm), small double (120 x 190cm), double (135 x 190cm), king size (150 x 200cm), and super king size (180 x 200cm).

Is a high footend bed frame right for my bedroom?

Is a high footend bed appropriate for your bedroom? Because a footboard blocks the footend of the bed frame, they aren't suitable for smaller bedrooms as you can't access your bed from the footend, which may be necessary for a smaller room.

How do I construct my high footend bed?

All of our high footend beds are delivered flat-packed. Each has a different set of instructions, which will guide you through assembling the bed. Before ordering, you should measure the space you intend to place the high footend bed to ensure it will fit.

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