We have a close affiliation with our bed; such is the comfort and solace they provide. From lazy Sunday mornings to late-night movie marathons and everything in between, we spend a remarkable amount of time in bed. However, how much do we really know about mattresses and beds? For a lighthearted and enjoyable break in your day, continue reading for some unusual and surprising bed and mattress facts.
Roughly 77,000 years ago. According to reports, the mattress was made in South Africa and was a foot thick and a remarkable 22 feet long, using components of plants as layers of the mattress.
The word ‘mattress’ is derived from two Arabic words, ‘tahara’, which means to throw and ‘matrah’, meaning a place where something is thrown.
A mattress can attract up to a staggering 10 million dust mites; this is most commonly the case in open coil mattresses with ample space for dust mites to occupy. Perhaps what’s more concerning is that the naked eye can’t see dust mites; they’re close relatives of ticks and spiders and could reside within your mattress. However, fear not; our range of Anti Allergy & Hypoallergenic Mattresses is fantastic at combating dust mites.
That’s a fair question; what does it mean to ‘sleep tight’? It may well be a term of endearment, but if you’re unfamiliar with the phrase, it can leave you somewhat confused. The phrase relates to medieval rope-strung beds; instead of springs, these beds used ropes that needed to be tied tightly under the mattress to keep it securely in place, and from here, the term ‘sleep tight’ was born.

Admittedly this may not be one of the most interesting facts on the list; however, it’s by far the most convenient. Ordering a new mattress is often far more straightforward than dealing with your old mattress; sadly, mattresses are sometimes discarded and unaccounted for. With this in mind, we offer a disposal service to our local delivery areas for a small fee of £25.00, which you can add to the checkout process. In line with our commitment to protecting the planet, the £25.00 fee ensures that the mattress is disposed of in an environmentally friendly manner. Mattressman operate under a zero-landfill policy, and the cost covers the removal of the item and the transportation to a recycling centre; once there, springs will be removed so they can be recycled at steel mills, and any foams are sanitized and repurposed for padding. For further details regarding our disposal service, please ring our customer service team, who will be happy to provide advice and answer any questions you may have.
Before the days of luxurious natural fillings such as wool and silk, mattresses often used vegetables as its fillings. Soon after, coverings of velvet and expensive silk became common among the wealthy.
The origins of our supportive and budget-friendly open coil mattresses can be traced back to 1865. It’s a testament to the quality and reliability of the open coil spring system that an open coil mattress remains a hugely popular mattress choice today.
Holland is home to the largest bed, measuring a staggering 26.5 m (86 ft 11 in) long and 16.44 m (53 ft 11 in) wide.
There’s a firm bed, and then there’s a bed of rocks. As difficult as it may be to believe, 10,000 years ago, people slept on raised platforms solely consisting of stone in the Neolithic period.
According to reports, falling asleep should take at most twenty minutes. If regularly, you’re struggling to fall asleep at night, then it may be a sign that your mattress is unsuitable; if your mattress doesn’t provide sufficient support and comfort, our wide array of mattresses with various benefits at prices that reflect superb value for money will be sure to combat your sleep struggles.