There’s some talk on the internet that taking vitamin supplements can help us sleep better at night. How true is this though? Is there any evidence that proves this to be certain? We’ll take a deep dive into answering these questions to find out what actually is the effect of supplements on how we sleep.
According to professionals, there hasn’t been any direct link or evidence uncovered in randomised controlled trials to show that supplements are effective for those who struggle to sleep or have insomnia. However, some people can benefit from such remedies. It’s always recommended that you speak to a health professional before taking regularly taking supplements, as there can be minor side effects to each one.
The hormone that’s related to controlling our sleep, melatonin is usually prescribed to people over the age of 55 to help with short-term sleep problems. They can be especially helpful for jetlag, however, prolonged use of melatonin is not recommended due to the side effects and the limitations this can present. Unfortunately, there aren’t many studies that prove the true effectiveness of melatonin, but many people praising its short-term benefits are reason enough for many people to give it a try.
Researchers have found that magnesium deficiencies can have negative impacts on sleep, and taking magnesium supplements can have positive effects on symptoms of insomnia. When compared to melatonin, magnesium simply helps your body relax, reduce stress and help you sleep for longer than normal, whereas melatonin helps you get to sleep faster. There are other benefits to taking magnesium such as reducing the risk of heart disease, strokes and helping migraines.
There have been various studies denoting the notion that glycine, an amino acid, can help people fall asleep faster and feel less fatigued in the morning. Glycine plays an important part in the nervous symptoms, and it’s said to help us fall asleep by lowering our core temperature which is vital for falling asleep easily.
Seeing as even the above hormone, mineral and amino acid have only some evidenced correlation to improved sleep, it has been especially hard to prove whether general multivitamins can do so. Multivitamins are great for helping you reach recommended daily intakes of a variety of vitamins and minerals, often some that are hard to reach in a balanced diet. With this being said, certain deficiencies such as iron, zinc and B12, can lead to a lack of alertness and energy. So there are definite benefits to taking multivitamins in relation to your overall health as well as feeling less tired.

So when we take this altogether, it’s evident that there are many benefits to taking supplements on our health. Whether these can help us sleep better really comes down to the evidence, of which there is certainly some. At the end of the day, if you feel like you’re struggling with sleep then it is best to talk to your GP. There, they can recommend supplements like these or a different method, it really depends on your case.