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Whether you need a little extra storage for your bedroom, living area or elsewhere, we have the blanket box to go with it. Depending on what room you decide to put one, these boxes are perfect for spare pillows, bed linen, cushions and of course, blankets. We feature a range that is versatile with materials like wood, fabric and leather, all ranging in sizes and different openings. Some can also double up as an extra seat which can be very practical in a home that’s limited by space. Blanket boxes are also great places for kids to store their toys or use as a dressing up box. If you have a rustic or traditionally styled home then you’ll love Furniture Express’, Balmoral’s and Sweet Dreams’ blanket boxes that feature beautiful solid wood. Or if you prefer modern, detailed and bold pieces then you may like to consider LPD Furniture’s range. Lastly, if you like a style somewhere in between then GFW’s blanket boxes nail the balance between classic and sleek design.
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