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How can I narrow my duvet search?

Consider the duvet size

As obvious as it may sound, your duvet must match the corresponding duvet cover. Your duvet and duvet cover should also match the size of your bed to ensure a matching fit.

Consider the tog rating

A duvet's tog rating indicates how well the duvet insulates heat; essentially, the higher the tog rating, the warmer you'll feel. Our 4.5 tog Summer Duvet, as the name suggests, is ideally suited for warmer months, whilst on the other end of the scale, our 13.5 and 15 tog duvets offer superb warmth and comfort throughout winter. For an 'all-rounder' duvet that is more likely to provide consistent warmth and comfort, you may want to consider our 10.5 tog duvets. So whether you require a cool or a cosy night's sleep, our luxury and soft duvets can enhance your night's sleep.

Why not try an innovative dual-tog duvet?

For anyone who shares or has previously shared a bed, you'll resonate with the contrasting levels of comfort you receive throughout the night compared to your partner. For example, you may feel too hot during the night whilst your partner is cold or vice-versa. The beauty of the Yours and Mine Duvet is that it features two togs within the same duvet, ensuring both sleepers can expect to enjoy a blissful night's rest.

Assess the suitability of an anti-allergy duvet

A range of our Silentnight duvets features hypoallergenic properties such as hollow fibres, which are perfect for hay fever sufferers. Natural fillings are susceptible to a build-up of dust mites due to their large pore sizes; however, hollow fibres can reduce and remove allergies.

Our commitment to affordability

With our collection encompassing excellent prices, you can expect to pay less for your Silentnight duvet than initially envisaged, thus ensuring you can save money. Additionally, keep an eye out on our website for amazing deals. Further reiterating our commitment to affordability, our duvets qualify for free next-working-day delivery (8.00 am – 6.00 pm) provided the duvet is in stock and ordered before 4 pm.

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