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Divans being the most popular bed base in the UK, and ottomans quickly becoming a favoured way to utilise bed storage, it only makes sense for the two to be combined. These together really make for the ultimate practical bed, both easy to put together and then to store your bedroom essentials in. Usually, divans come in two halves that are lightweight and easy to maneuver. Once they’re in the position that you desire, you simply clip them together and the bed is assembled. Easy, right? It gets even better with the ottoman storage, as it provides around 4 times more storage than a standard divan base does with drawers. With gas pistons designed to hold up the weight of a heavy mattress, you can swiftly open up your storage from the side or foot end and reveal a large amount of space. Perfect to store extra bedding, pillows, blankets, even shoes or clothes if you have too many. If you choose a divan base in which the ottoman storage opens from the side, you can utilise the entire divans size for under bed storage. However, if you go for a divan in which it opens from the foot end, then you’ll only be able to utilise half of the beds size for storage. Having said this, you can certainly fit a lot in anyway. Available in a multitude of different upholsteries, an ottoman divan doesn’t have to be just practical. Styles to go in innovative and modern, classic and traditional, quirky and retro or elegant and regal homes, there’s an ottoman divan to go in any bedroom. This is especially so for the customisable divan bases, as you can choose the style of headboard too. Often the defining attribute of the style of a bed, this gives you lots of leeway to create the bed that’s right for you.
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